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Espinosa Ramírez, A. C., & Velasco Fuentes, O. U. (2025). Flow topology of the wake of a rotor and its relationship with the energy efficiency. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 111, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2024.11.010. (ID: 30164)
Marín Nevarez, J. N., Florez Peñaloza, D., Orden Martín, D., & López, M. A. (2025). An efficient algorithm for identifying rainbow ortho-convex 4-sets in k-colored point sets. INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS, 189, 106551. (ID: 29734)
Ramos Prado, L. M., Velasco Tapia, F., Rodríguez Diaz, A. A., Ramírez Fernández, J. A., Canet, C., González Guzmán, R., Castillejo Carreón, J. C., de Ignacio San Jose, C., Fuentes Guzman, E., & Linares, C. (2025). Mineralogy, geochemistry, geochronology, and fluid inclusion constraints of the Concepción del Oro-Mazapil Fe - Cu skarns, central Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 151, 25. (ID: 29936)
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Kovalick, A., Heard, A. W., Johnson, A. C., Chan, C. S., Ootes, L., Nielsen, S. G., Dauphas, N., Weber, B., & Bekker, A. (2024). Living in their heyday: iron-oxidizing bacteria bloomed in shallow-marine, subtidal environments at ca. 1.89 Ga. Geobiology, 22(70003), 1-27. (ID: 29921)
Dimond, J. L., Bouma, J. V., Lafarga de la Cruz, F., Supernault, K. J., White, T., & Witting, D. A. (2024). Endangered Pinto/Northern Abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) are Panmictic Across Their 3700 km Range Along the Pacific Coast of North America. Evolutionary Applications. (ID: 30234)