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Chako Tchamabé, B., Weber, B., Dedzo, M. G., Tamen, J., Silis Esquivel, J., & Nemeth, K. (2024). Reappraising the eruptive history of the Alchichica Maar Volcano (Mexico) based on Sr¿Nd isotopes: Understanding the role of the magma source region on the growth of small-volume volcanoes. SOLID EARTH SCIENCES, 9(100214), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sesci.2024.100214. (ID: 29886)
Arellano González, L. M., De la Cruz Mendoza, E., Gutiérrez Rivera, M. E., & Jauregui Vazquez, D. (2024). Optical fiber membrane-based Fabry¿Perot tactile force sensing platform powered by LED ambient lighting. Optics and Laser Technology, 182(11 2231¿), 10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2024.112231. (ID: 29996)
Vivas, A., Chernykh, A., & Castro Barrera, H. E. (2024). Trends, Approaches, and Gaps in Scientific Workflow Scheduling: A Systematic Review. IEEE Access. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3509218. (ID: 30007)
Olague, M., Olague Caballero, G., Pineda Núñez, R., & Ibarra Vazquez, G. (2024). Salient object detection dataset with adversarial attacks for genetic programming and neural networks. Data in Brief, 57, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.111043. (ID: 29993)
Bruno Zermeño, A. C., & Helenes Escamilla, J. (2024). Eocene to Early Miocene dinoflagellate cysts from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Micropaleontology, 193(102422), 17. doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2024.102422. (ID: 29992)
Velasco Lozano, M. F., Ramírez Ortiz, G., Calderón Aguilera, L. E., Martínez Garza, B. A., & Valencia Méndez, O. (2024). Beyond the Surface: Mesophotic Reefs as Potential Refuges for Shallow Fish Assemblages. Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.70619. (ID: 29963)
Márquez Castro, J. E., Licea Claverie, A., Guerrero Sánchez, C., & Méndez Méndez, E. R. (2024). Surface Modification of Gold Nanorods (GNRDs) Using Double Thermo-Responsive Block Copolymers: Evaluation of Self-Assembly and Stability of Nanohybrids. Polymers. doi: 10.3390/ polym16233293. (ID: 30018)
Valle Atilano, F. J., Borbón Nuñez, H., Jauregui Vazquez, D., Hernandez Garcia , J. C., Rangel Rojo, R., Tiznado, H., Márquez Becerra, H., Sierra Hernández, J. M. S. J. M., Rojas Laguna, R., & Estudillo Ayala, J. A. (2024). Adjustable repetition rate mode-locked fiber laser using a ZnO nanolaminate. Optical Fiber Technology, 89(104064), 6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yofte.2024.104064. (ID: 29995)
Monarca Pintle, G. I., Cibrian Robles, F. L., hurtado lopez, i., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2024). Smartphone Haptics Can Uncover Differences in Touch Interactions Between ASD and Neurotypicals. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive Mobile Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies-IMWUT. https://doi.org/10.1145/36997. (ID: 30182)
Pérez Martínez, I., Villanueva Estrada, R., Inguaggiato, C., Hernández Hernández, M. A., & Sosa Ceballos , G. (2024). Origin of fluids in the Araró-Simirao geothermal system, Central Mexico. JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 269(107637), 16. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2024.107637. (ID: 30026)
Lopez Perez, A., GRANJA FERNANDEZ, R., Valencia Méndez, O., González Mendoza, T. M., Ramírez Chávez, E. J., Pañola Madrigal, A., Lopez Lopez, D. A., Calderón Aguilera, L. E., & Rodríguez Zaragoza, F. A. (2024). Actualización del conocimiento de los sistemas coralinos poco conocidos del sur del Pacífico mexicano. Ciencias Marinas, 50(1B), 9. https://doi.org/10.7773/cm.y2024.3503. (ID: 29962)
González Islas, J. C., Dominguez Ramirez, O. A., Lopez Ortega, O., & Peña Ramírez, J. (2024). Crouch Gait Recognition in the Anatomical Space Using Synthetic Gait Data. Applied Sciences. https://doi.org/10.3390/app142210574. (ID: 29938)
Ortega Borchardt, J. Á., Heckel Dziendzielewski, G., & Barba Acuña, I. (2024). ¿Por qué y cómo cantan las ballenas?. Therya ixmana, 40(1), 55-58. doi: 10.12933/therya_ixmana-25-587. (ID: 30017)
Mercado Guajardo, V. E., Olmos Soto, J., López Acuña, L. M., & Galaviz Espinoza, M. A. (2024). First report of significant growth improvement of Totoaba macdonaldi using Bacillus and soy. Aquaculture International, 33(12), 1-20. doi: doi.org/10.1007/s10499-024-01753-4. (ID: 29930)
Mendoza Rodarte, J. A., Maestre, D., Camacho López, S., Guimarães, M. H. D., Guerrero Sanchez, J., & Herrera Zaldivar, M. (2024). Influence of oxygen impurities in generating ferromagnetism in GaN doped with Mn, Fe, and Cr. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 35, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-024-13701-2. (ID: 30037)