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Ortega Borchardt, J. Á., Heckel Dziendzielewski, G., & Barba Acuña, I. (2024). ¿Por qué y cómo cantan las ballenas?. Therya ixmana, 40(1), 55-58. doi: 10.12933/therya_ixmana-25-587. (ID: 30017)
Mercado Guajardo, V. E., Olmos Soto, J., López Acuña, L. M., & Galaviz Espinoza, M. A. (2024). First report of significant growth improvement of Totoaba macdonaldi using Bacillus and soy. Aquaculture International, 33(12), 1-20. doi: doi.org/10.1007/s10499-024-01753-4. (ID: 29930)
Mendoza Rodarte, J. A., Maestre, D., Camacho López, S., Guimarães, M. H. D., Guerrero Sanchez, J., & Herrera Zaldivar, M. (2024). Influence of oxygen impurities in generating ferromagnetism in GaN doped with Mn, Fe, and Cr. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 35, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-024-13701-2. (ID: 30037)
Martinez Soto, D., Hernández Rojas, A. J., Valdés Santiago, L., García Ortega, L. F., Ramírez Martínez, A., Trujillo Esquivel, J. E., Pérez Rodríguez, F., Ortíz Castellanos, L., León Ramírez , C. G., Esquivel Naranjo, E. U., Ruiz Herrera, J., & Cervantes Chávez, J. A. (2024). Conservation of the Polyamines Pathway in Ustilaginomycetes A Genomic and Experimental Approach. Journal of Basic Microbiology, e2400561, 14. https://doi.org/10.1002/jobm.202400561. (ID: 29933)
Martínez López, Y., Phoobane, P., Jauriga Ortiz, Y., Castillo Garit, J. A., Rodríguez González, A. Y., Martínez Santiago, O., Barigye, S. J., Rodríguez Maya, N. E., & Duchowicz, P. (2024). Exploring Blood-Brain Barrier Passage using Atomic Weighted Vector and Machine Learning. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING, 30. doi: 10.1007/s00894-024-06188-5. (ID: 29907)
Rodriguez Barreras , J. R., Aguirre Vega, S. B., Qi, Z., Wang, H., & Vilas, P. G. (2024). Amorphous GeSnSe nanoparticles as a Li-Ion battery anode with High-Capacity and long cycle performance. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 673(1), 781-787. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2024.06.120. (ID: 29813)
Norzagaray Lopez , O., Calderón Aguilera, L. E., Hernández Ayón, J. M., & Gómez Hernández, G. (2024). Bioerosion of Porites coral by Lithophaga bivalve in the eastern tropical Pa-cific: Interactive effects in an island reef,. Marine Pollution Bulletin, A(209), 117154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117154. (ID: 29904)
Espinoza Rodríguez, I. J., Chávez Dagostino, R. M., & Heckel Dziendzielewski, G. (2024). Resilience components in Mexican whale-watching regulation. Tourism and Hospitality, 5, 1028-1041. doi: 10.3390/tourhosp5040058. (ID: 29902)
Echenausía Monroy, J. L., Magallón Garcia, D. A., Ontanon Garcia, L. J., Rivera Rodríguez, R., Peña Ramírez, J., & Álvarez Gallegos, J. (2024). Does a Fractional-Order Recurrent Neural Network Improve the Identification of Chaotic Dynamics?. FRACTAL AND FRACTIONAL, 8(11), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract8110632. (ID: 29916)
Oyervides Figueroa, J. R., Re Araujo, A. D., Díaz Herrera, F., Norzagaray López, C. O., Díaz Castañeda, V. M., Tripp Valdez, M. A., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., & Lafarga de la Cruz, F. (2024). Improved growth performance and physiological state in hybrid abalone (Haliotis rufescens and Haliotis fulgens) facing ocean acidification conditions. Aquaculture, 596. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2024.741791. (ID: 29911)
Gentil, M., Pallás Sanz, E., Midelton, L., Ruíz Angulo, Á., Meunier, T., Durante Barajas, G., Tenreiro Costa, M. J., Estrada Allis, S. N., & Sheinbaum Pardo, J. (2024). Distribution, Mixing, and Transformation of a Loop Current Ring Waters: The Case of Gulf of Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(23). doi: 10.1029/2024GL110845. (ID: 29969)
Pérez Bustamante, I. S., Cruz Flores, R., López Carvallo, J. A., & Sánchez Serrano, S. (2024). Effect of the 16S rRNA Gene Hypervariable Region on the Microbiome Taxonomic Profile and Diversity in the Endangered Fish Totoaba macdonaldi. Microorganisms. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms12112119. (ID: 29895)
Avila Martinez, E. J., & Peña Ramírez, J. (2024). Synchronous behavior in directed networks of heterogeneous piecewise linear oscillators. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA, 470(134411), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physd.2024.134411. (ID: 29903)
Castro Morales, J. D., Meneses Ponce, C., Ortega Ruiz, R., Beltrán Gracia, J., & González Huizar, H. (2024). Single Station Seismic Event Location With a Neural-Guided Mixture Model: Model-Based Weighting for Improved Accuracy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 1(4), 7-20. https://doi.org/10.1029/2024JH000346. (ID: 29970)
Ávila Barrientos, L., Yegres Herrera, L. A., Flores Estrella, H., Nuñez Leal, M. A., & González Huizar, H. (2024). Seismic site conditions of RESNOM network. Seismica. doi: 10.26443/seismica.v3i2.1151. (ID: 29896)