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Quiñonez Ley, A., Meling López, A. E., Hinojo Hinojo, C., Peñalba Garmendia , M. C., Pacheco Hoyos, N. G., Ibarra Wenglas, L. C., Zavala Ochoa, A., de la Cueva Salcedo, H. J., Rodriguez, J. C., & Mendoza Nuñez, A. J. (2024). Variations in the Population Structure of the Millipede Orthoporus ornatus (Girard, 1853) in a Sonoran Desert Road. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST, 49(2), 602-624. doi: 10.3958/059.049.0207. (ID: 29700)
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Zepeda Valencia, I. G., Kelly Martínez, R. J., & Monroy Lara, M. C. (2024). A Theoretical Conversion of Torque Controllers for Handling a Position Servo-actuated Robot Manipulator Model. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 22(4), 1301-1312. doi: 10.1007/s12555-022-1243-9. (ID: 29820)
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Aguilar Medrano, R., & Vega Cendejas, M. E. (2024). Ecomorphological diversification of the Cyprinodon species complex from Lake Chichankanab, Yucatan, Mexico. Ichthyological Research, 72(2), 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s10228-024-00980-2.. (ID: 29712)
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Hazal Ayhan, D., Abbondante, S., Martinez Soto, D., Milo Cochavi , S., Rickelton, K., Sohrab, V., Kotera, S., Arie, T., Marshall Ellen , M., Campos Rocha, M., Haridas, S., Grigoriev V., I., Shlezinger, N., Pearlman, E., & Ma, L. J. (2024). The differential virulence of Fusarium strains causing corneal infections and plant diseases is associated with accessory chromosome composition. bioRxiv, 2024(595639), 46. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.23.595639. (ID: 29837)
Gutiérrez Vera, J. A., Ponce Rivas, E., Braga, A., Paniagua Chávez, C. G., Alfaro Montoya, J., & Rosales Leija, M. (2024). Evidence of the Existence of Site-Specific Female Contact Pheromones Involved in the Sexual Interaction Behavior of the Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp Penaeus vannamei. Animals, 14(11), 1523. doi: 10.3390/ani14111523. (ID: 29716)
Corral Federico, A. G., Meza Contreras, J. J., Delgado Ramírez, C. S., Hernández Martínez, R., Mendez Bravo, A., Mendez Bravo, A., & Sepúlveda Sánchez Hidalgo, E. A. (2024). Colonization of Solanaceous crops by endophytic and rhizospheric plant growth-promoting bacteria from the native Solanaceae Solanum hindsianum Benth. The Microbe, 3. (ID: 29891)
Pacheco Sandoval, A. M., Schramm Urrutia , Y., Heckel Dziendzielewski, G., Giffard Mena, I., & Lago Lestón, M. A. (2024). Unraveling the gut microbiota of Mexican pinnipeds: the dominance of life histories over phylogeny. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90(6), e0203023. doi: 10.1128/aem.02030-23. (ID: 29742)
Juliá Miralles, M., Yarbuh Lugo, U. I., Spelz Madero, R. M., Negrete Aranda, R., Contreras Pérez, J., Fletcher, J. M., González Fernández, A., ZIERENBERG, R., & Caress, D. W. (2024). Strain localization instabilities and the genesis of multiple axes of seafloor spreading in the Carmen basin, southern Gulf of California. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113, 1265¿1283. doi: 10.1007/s00531-024-02426-6. (ID: 29797)
Meza Buendia, A. K., Aparicio Trejo , O. E., Díaz Herrera, F., Pedraza Chaverri, J., Álvarez Delgado, C., & Rosas Vazquez, C. (2024). Climate change consequences on the systemic heart of female Octopus maya: oxidative phosphorylation assessment and the antioxidant system. Biology Open, 13(5), bio060103. doi: 10.1242/bio.060103. (ID: 29702)
Reyna Maldonado, A., Garza Moreno, J. C., Balderas, L. I., mendez, j., Panduro Mendoza, M. A., Maldonado Pacheco, G., & Garcia, L. (2024). Virtual Antenna Arrays with Frequency Diversity for Radar Systems in Fifth-Generation Flying Ad Hoc Networks. Applied Sciences, 14(10), 1-11. (ID: 29838)
Martinez Soto, D., García Ortega, L. F., Guzmán Rincón, A., Ortíz Castellanos, L., & León Ramírez , C. G. (2024). Conservation of the Pal/Rim Pathway in Ustilaginomycetes. CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY, 81(173), 8. (ID: 29836)