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Revilla Duarte, U., Ram¿rez Salinas, M. A., Villa Vargas, L. A., & Chernykh, A. (2024). Proactive Load Balancing to Reduce Unnecessary Thread Migrations on Chip Multi-Processor (CMP) Systems. Computación y Sistemas, 28(2), 623¿645. doi: 10.13053/CyS-28-2-4403. (ID: 30002)
Cano Lara, M., Espinal Jimenez, A., Camacho López, S., Garcia Granada, A. A., & Rostro Gonzalez, H. (2024). Predictive ultrafast laser-induced formation of MoOx using machine learning algorithms. Applied Optics, 63(19), 5053. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.530032. (ID: 30034)
Grarcía Garduño , M. E., Solana Arellano, M. E., Godínez Reyes , C., Aguilar Claussell , P., & Ramírez Delgado , D. (2024). Nesting Success of Lepidochelys olivacea (Cheloniidae) In Situ Incubation in the Cabo Pulmo National Park, Baja California Sur, México. Pacific Science, 78(1), 51-60. doi: 10.2984/78.1.4. (ID: 30042)
Reyes Martínez , C. S., González Escobar, M., Montalvo Arreta, J. C., Jenchen, U., & Velasco Tapia, F. (2024). The Calipatria Deformation Zone revealed from 2D seismic profiles in the Mexicali Valley. Evidence of an ancient plate boundary?. Tectonophysics, 230396(884), 16. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230396. (ID: 29740)
Trasviña Castro, A., Torres Hernández, M. Y., Valle Rodríguez, J. B., & González Rodríguez, E. (2024). Interannual variability (2014-2016) of coastal mesoscale activity at the entrance of the Gulf of California as determined by remote sensing. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 77(10). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103609. (ID: 29982)
Ángeles González , L. E., Torrejón Magallanes, E. J., Escamilla Ake, A., Osorio Olvera, L., Avendaño, O., Díaz Herrera, F., & Rosas Vazquez, C. (2024). Can upwelling regions be potential thermal refugia for marine fishes during climate warming?. Journal of Thermal Biology, 123, 103893. doi: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2024.103893. (ID: 29728)
Echenausía Monroy, J. L., Peña Ramírez, J., Álvarez Gallegos, J., Rivera Rodríguez, R., Ontanon Garcia, L. J., & Magallón Garcia, D. A. (2024). A Recurrent Neural Network for Identifying Multiple Chaotic Systems. Mathematics, 12(12), 1-13. doi: 10.3390/math12121835. (ID: 29826)
Mercado, J., de la Cueva Salcedo, H. J., Romano Noriega, J., Rojas, A. N., Campos, A., & Lamberski, N. (2024). Tiletamine-zolazepam-xylazine anesthesia in ex situ black-handed spider monkeye (Ateles geoffroyi ssp.). JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE, 55(2), 466-476. doi: 10.1638/2020-0214. (ID: 29720)
Ruschig, M., Nerlich, J., Becker, M., Maier, D., Polten, S., Cervantes Luevano , K. E., Kuhn, P., Licea Navarro, A. F., Hallermann, S., Dübel, S., Schubert, M., Brown, J., & Hust, M. (2024). Human antibodies neutralizing the alpha-latrotoxin of the European black widow. Frontiers in Immunology, 15, 16. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1407398. (ID: 30463)
Rangel Montoya, E. A., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2024). Identification and pathogenicity of Aspergillus species associated with vine canker in Mexico. JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. doi: 10.1007/s42161-024-01686-0. (ID: 29850)
Chávez López, L., Carballo López, G. I., Lugo Ibarra, K. C., & Castro Ceseña, A. B. (2024). A comprehensive framework for managing metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease: analyzing novel risk factors and advances in nanotechnology-based treatments and diagnosis. RSC MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 15(0), 2622-2642. doi: 10.1039/d4md00420e. (ID: 29852)
Brito Castillo, L., Farfán Molina, L. M., Vega Camarena, J. P., Cortés Ramos, J., & Z. Flores López, M. (2024). Entre dos flancos: la ocurrencia de los ciclones tropicales Ingrid y Manuel (2013) en México. Tlamati Sabiduría, 18, 23-41. (ID: 30124)
Silva Montoya, P., Calderón Aguilera, L. E., & Ramírez Ortiz, G. (2024). The mesophotic zone of the marine protected area Espíritu Santo, Gulf of California, can function as a refuge for the ichthyofauna. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 209(104340), 1-9. (ID: 30096)
Galván Pozos, D. E., Sergiienko, N. Y., García Nava, H., Ocampo Torres, F. J., & Osuna Cañedo, J. P. (2024). Numerical analysis of the energy capture performance of a six-leg wave energy converter under Mexican waters wave conditions. Renewable Energy, 228(120579), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2024.120579. (ID: 30344)
Ramos Mendoza, I. S., Embarcadero Jiménez, S., Barrios Navarro, A. F., Ledezma González, D. C., Lago Lestón, M. A., Valenzuela- Suárez, B. J., Ramírez Alvarez, N., & Silva Jiménez, H. (2024). Prokaryotic community structure and predicted metabolism associated with hydrocarbon degradation in marine sediments from the Northwest Coast of Baja California, Mexico. JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS, 24, 3148-3166. doi: 10.1007/s11368-024-03822-w. (ID: 29743)