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Téllez Avila, E. S., Ruiz Velazques, L. G., Chávez González, E. L., & Graff, M. (2021). A scalable solution to the nearest neighbor search problem through local-search methods on neighbor graphs. PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. doi: 10.1007/s10044-020-00946-w. (ID: 26830)
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Gonzalez Urias, A., manzanarez Guevara, A., Ángel Licea, C., Ochoa Terán, A., Licea Navarro, A. F., Bernáldez Sarabia, J., & Zapata Gonzalez, I. (2020). Stimuli responsive nanogels with intrinsic fluorescence: Promising nanovehicles for controlled drug delivery and cell internalization detection in diverse cancer cell lines. EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, 144, 110200. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2020.110200. (ID: 26653)
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Ramos Rodríguez, J. A., González Rodríguez, E., Villalobos, H., Soldatini, C., & Romero Vadillo, E. (2020). Historical SST warming events in the Northeastern Pacific: How unique is the Warm Blob?. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 55(2), 110-118. doi: 10.22370/rbmo.2020.55.2.2496. (ID: 26676)
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Chernykh, A., Bychkov, I., Feoktistov, A., Gorsky, S., Sidorov, I., Kostromin, R., Edelev, A., Zorkalzev, V., & Avetisyan, A. (2020). Mitigating Uncertainty in Developing and Applying Scientific Applications in an Integrated Computing Environment. PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE, 46(7), 483-502. doi: 10.1134/S036176882008023X. (ID: 26587)
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