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Harris, M., Mapani, B. S., Cornell, D. H., Malobela, T., Weber, B., Kristoffersen, M., Lehman Francko, K., & Hanson, R. (2021). Chronostratigraphic correlation of the volcanic 1.21 Ga Barby and Haiber Flats Formations in the Sinclair Supergroup of Namibia. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, 178(104180), 1-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2021.104180. (ID: 27037)
Ochoa Armas, D., Lavandera Hernández, I., Fernández- Ramón, D., Loo Yau, J. R., Molina Ceseña, M., Pérez Wences, C., Hernández Domínguez, E. A., Reynoso Hernández, J. A., & Moreno1, P. (2021). A nonlinear empirical I/V model for GaAs and GaN FETs suitable to design power amplifiers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING, 331(3). doi: 10.1002/mmce.22552. (ID: 26824)
Hidalgo Silva, H. H., & Gómez Treviño, E. (2021). Impulse noise treatment in magnetotelluric inversion. Open Geosciences, 13, 130-137. doi: 10.1515/geo-2020-0225. (ID: 26867)
Perez Cham, O. E., Puente Montejano, C. A., Soubervielle Montalvo, C., Olague Caballero, G., Castillo Barrera, F. E., Nuñez Varela, J., & Limon Romero, J. (2021). Automata design for honeybee search algorithm and its applications to 3D scene reconstruction and video tracking. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 61, 1-22. doi: 10.1016/j.swevo.2020.100817. (ID: 26616)
Jouanno, J., Moquet, J. S., Berline, L., Radenac, R. H., Santini, W., Changeux, T., Thibaut, T., Podlejski, W., Menard, F., Martinez, J. M., Aumont, O., Sheinbaum Pardo, J., Filizola, N., & Moukandi N'Kaya, G. (2021). Evolution of the riverine nutrient export to the Tropical Atlantic over the last 15 years: is there a link with Sargassum proliferation?. Environmental Research Letters, 16(3), 034042 1-14. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe11a. (ID: 27559)
Tejada Begazo, C. L., Calderón Aguilera, L. E., López Pérez, E. O., & Cabral Tena, R. A. (2021). Successful recruitment of Astrangia Haimei in the Gulf of California. Reef Encounter. (ID: 27236)
Rodríguez Escobar, F. E., & Calderón Aguilera, L. E. (2021). Mesophotic reefs of the Mexican Pacific: a ray of hope for benthic invertebrates?. Revista temporal DEP, 36(1), 45-49. (ID: 26990)
Domínguez Retamoza, E. A., Arvizu Mondragón, A., Rojas Iñiguez, F., Mendieta Jiménez, F. J., & Santos Aguilar, J. (2021). Detección intradina en comunicaciones ópticas con modulación de fase binaria empleando un lazo de Costas en el dominio del procesamiento digital de señales. Revista Mexicana de Física, 67(2), 238-248. (ID: 26327)
Casas Peña, J. M., Ramírez Fernández, J. A., Velasco Tapia, F., Alemán Gallardo, E., Augustsson, C., Weber, B., Frei, D., & Jenchen, U. (2021). Provenance and tectonic setting of the Paleozoic Tamatán Group, NE Mexico: Implications for the closure of the Rheic Ocean. Gondwana Research, 91, 205-230. doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2020.12.012. (ID: 26845)
Peinado Guevara, V. M., Cuadras Berrelleza, A. A., Herrera Barrientos, J., peinado guevara, H. J., Izaguirre Gamez, S. D., & Urias Camacho, A. (2021). Knowledge and behavioral attitudes of the academic community of the high school and university level toward the prevention of covid-19: a cross-sectional study in Guasave, Sinaloa. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 17(1-19), 17. doi: 10.47577/tssj.vl7il.2659. (ID: 26876)
Dorsey T., M., Rockwell K., T., Girty H., G., Ostermeijer, G., Browning, J., Mitchell M., T., & Fletcher, J. M. (2021). Evidence of hydrothermal fluid circulation driving elemental mass redistribution in an active fault zone. Journal of Structural Geology, 144, 17. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104269.. (ID: 26789)
Villela y Mendoza, A., Pérez Flores, M. A., Ochoa Tinajero, L. E., & Vargas Huitzil, E. (2021). Applying resistivity (dipole-dipole, Schlumberger, and Wenner) joint inversion to detect endokarst features in Quintana Roo, México. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 106(103041), 11. doi: 10.1016/J.JSAMES.2020.10304101. (ID: 26481)
Batista Rodriguez, J. A., & Pérez Flores, M. A. (2021). Contribution of ERT on the Study of Ag-Pb-Zn, Fluorite, and Barite Deposits in Northeast Mexico. Minerals, 11(3), 16. doi: 10.3390/min11030249. (ID: 27264)
Lilly , J. M., & Pérez Brunius, P. (2021). A gridded surface current product for the Gulf of Mexico from consolidated drifter measurements. Earth System Science Data, 13(2). doi: 10.5194/essd-13-645-2021. (ID: 26844)
Le Alvarado, M. L., Romo Curiel, A. E., Sosa Nishizaki, O., Hernández Sánchez, O. G., Barbero, L., & Herzka Llona, S. Z. (2021). Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) foraging habitat and trophic position in the Gulf of Mexico based on intrinsic isotope tracers. PLoS ONE, 16(2), 1-27. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246082. (ID: 26882)