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Pappaterra, S., Inguaggiato, C., Rouwet, D., Peiffer, L. M. J. C. J. G., Apollaro, C., Mora Amador, R., Ramirez Umaña, C., Gonzalez, G., Schiavo, B., Kretzschmar, T. G., & Brusca, L. (2023). Fluid-mineral dynamics at the Rincón de la Vieja volcano¿ hydrothermal system (Costa Rica) inferred by the study of major, minor and rare earth elements in the hyperacid crater lake. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 19. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1197568. (ID: 29090)
Ibarra Hernández, R. F., Alonso Arévalo, M. Á., & García Canseco, E. C. (2023). Comparison of Spectral and Sparse Feature Extraction Methods for Heart Sounds Classification. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, 44(4), 6-22. doi: 10.17488/RMIB.44.4.1. (ID: 29349)
Díaz Bañez, J. M., Horn, P., López, M. A., Marín Nevarez, J. N., Ramírez Vigueras, A., Solé Pi, O., Stevens, A. L., & Urrutia Galicia, J. (2023). Separability, Boxicity, and Partial Orders. ORDER-A JOURNAL ON THE THEORY OF ORDERED SETS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 40(3), 699--712. doi: 10.1007/s11083-023-09628-8. (ID: 29732)
Álvarez Carmona, M. Á., Díaz Pacheco, Á., Aranda Campos, Á. R., Rodríguez González, A. Y., Muñiz Sánchez, V., López Monroy, P., Sánchez Vega, F., & Bustio Martinez, L. (2023). Overview of rest-mex at iberlef 2023: Research on sentiment analysis task for mexican tourist texts. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 71, 425-436. (ID: 28997)
Valenzuela Solano, C., & Hernández Martínez, R. (2023). Rendimiento y eficiencia en el uso del agua por el olivo (Olea europaea L.) en función de cuatro tratamientos de riego en el valle de Guadalupe, BC. Revista temporal DEP, 6(4), 3590-3595. doi: 10.34188/bjaerv6n4-040. (ID: 29480)
Cetina Heredia, P., & Allende Arandia, M. E. (2023). Caribbean marine heatwaves marine cold spells and co occurrence of bleaching events. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(10). doi: 10.1029/2023JC020147. (ID: 29579)
Alvarez Lee, L., Re Araujo, A. D., Díaz Herrera, F., Sanchez Ovando , J. P., & Pérez Carrasco, L. (2023). Thermal biology and plasticity of the thermal metabolic scope of angelfish Pterophyllum scalare acclimated to different temperatures. International Aquatic Research, 15, 263-269. doi: 10.22034/IAR.2023.1985934.1441. (ID: 28909)
Olague Caballero, G., Pineda Núñez, R., Ibarra Vazquez, G., Olague, M., Martínez Navarro, A., Bakshi, S., Vargas Vega, J. N., & Reducindo, I. (2023). Adversarial Attacks Assessment of Salient Object Detection via Symbolic Learning. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 1-14. doi: 10.1109/TETC.2023.3316549. (ID: 29032)
Montenegro Orenday, J. A., Castro Toscano, J. D., Ezrre González, S., Márquez Becerra, H., Borbon Nuñez, H. A., Rangel Rojo, R., Lizarraga Medina, E. G., Can Uc, B., Tiznado, H., Rojas Laguna, R., & Estudillo Ayala, J. M. (2023). Multi-wavelength fiber laser via evanescent field confinement with Al2O3 nanolaminate-coated thinned fiber. Optical Fiber Technology, 81, 1035338. doi: 10.1016/j.yofte.2023.103533. (ID: 28986)
Gomez Reyes, R., Galindo Sánchez, C. E., Lafarga de la Cruz, F., Hernandez Ayon, J. M., Valenzuela Wood, E., & Lopez Galindo, L. L. (2023). Individual Pattern Response to CO2-Induced Acidification Stress in Haliotis rufescens Suggests Stage-Specific Acclimatization during Its Early Life History. Sustainability, 15(14010), 18. doi: 10.3390/su151814010. (ID: 29331)
Chako Tchamabé, B., Graettinger, A., Gountié Dedzo, M., Tamen, J., Nemeth, K., Weber, B., Fonzing, E. M., Silis Esquivel, J., Asaah, A. E. N., Youmen, D., & Ohba, T. (2023). Influence of deep magmatic source region in the growth of complex maar-diatreme volcanoes. GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, n/a(n/a), 1-21. doi: 10.1002/gj.4887. (ID: 29200)
Sosa Sánchez, C. T., & Téllez Limón, R. (2023). Plasmonic Metalens to Generate an Airy Beam. Nanomaterials, 13(18), 2576. doi: 10.3390/nano13182576. (ID: 28904)
Romo Jiménez, O. A., lucero, d., Iñiguez Pacheco, J. E., Soto, G., Contreras Lopez, O., & Tiznado, H. (2023). Optimizing energy storage performance of ALD YSZ thin film devices via yttrium concentration variations. Journal of Energy Storage, 73. doi: 10.1016/j.est.2023.108966. (ID: 28939)