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Gutiérrez Reyes, E. A., Garcia Segundo, C., García Valenzuela, A., Ortega Ruiz, R., Buj, C., & Filbir, F. (2019). Heat transport considerations in the mathematical analysis of the photoacoustic and photothermal effects. Journal of Physics Communications, 3(1), 1-12. doi: 10.1088/2399-6528/ab376d. (ID: 25029)
Raygoza Sánchez, K. Y., Rocha Mendoza, I., Segovia Olvera, P., Krasavin, A., Marino, G., Cesca, T., Michieli, N., Mattei, G., Zayats, A., & Rangel Rojo, R. (2019). Polarization dependence of second harmonic generation from plasmonic nanoprism arrays. Scientific Reports, 9, 11514 . doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47970-3. (ID: 25017)
Gómez Consarnau, L., Raven, J. A., Levine, N., Cutter, L., Wang, D., Seegers, B., Arístegui, J., Fuhrman, J., Gasol, J. M., & Sanudo-Wilhelmy, S. A. (2019). Microbial rhodopsins are major contributors to the solar energy captured in the sea. Science Advances, NA(eaaw8855), NA. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw8855. (ID: 25078)
García Jacas, C. R., Teran, J., Marrero Ponce, Y., Contreras Torres, E., Viva Reyes, R., Terán, E., & Torres, J. (2019). Tensor Algebra-based Geometrical (3D) Biomacro-Molecular Descriptors for Protein Research: Theory, Applications and Comparison with other Methods. Scientific Reports, 9, 11316. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47858-2. (ID: 24989)
Aguilar Medrano, R., Durand, J. R., Cruz Escalona, V. H., & Moyle , P. (2019). Fish functional groups in the San Francisco Estuary: understanding new fish assemblages in a highly altered estuarine ecosystem. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 227, 106331. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106331. (ID: 27933)
Calderón Aguilera, L. E., Graham, L. J., & Eigenbrod, F. (2019). Ignoring the spatial structure of the sea cucumber Isostichopus fuscus distribution when granting quotas can be costly. Ocean & Coastal Management, 178, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104859. (ID: 25040)
González Huizar, H. (2019). La Olimpiada XXIV de Ciencias de la Tierra: Los Grandes Terremotos en México. GEOS, 39(1). (ID: 25639)
Petatán Ramírez, D., Ojeda Ruiz de la Peña, M. A., Sánchez Velasco, L., Rivas Camargo, D. A., Reyes Bonilla, H., Cruz Pinon, G., Morzaria Luna, H. N., Cisneros Montemayor, A. M., Cheung, W., & Salvadeo, C. (2019). Potential changes in the distribution of suitable habitat for Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) under climate change scenarios. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.07.020. (ID: 24998)
Martínez Miranda, J. C., Martínez, A., Ramos Aguiar, L. R., Aguilar, H., Jiménez, L., Arias, H., Rosales, G., & Valencia, E. (2019). Assessment of users' acceptability of a mobile-based embodied conversational agent for the prevention and detection of suicidal behaviour. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS, 43(8), 246-18. doi: 10.1007/s10916-019-1387-1. (ID: 24947)
Hernández Pérez, I., Zavala Guillén, I., Xamán, J., Belman Flores, J. M., Macías Melo, E. V., & Aguilar Castro, K. M. (2019). Test box experiment to assess the impact of waterproofing materials on the energy gain of building roofs in Mexico. ENERGY, 186, 115847. doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.07.177. (ID: 25471)
Mueller Beutel, T. M., & Sahay Sahay, P. N. (2019). Elastic potential energy in linear poroelasticity. Geophysics, 84(4), W1-W20. doi: 10.1190/GEO2018-0216.1. (ID: 25648)
Guerrero Ruiz, C. A., & Lizárraga Partida, M. L. (2019). Whole-genome comparison between reference sequences and oyster Vibrio vulnificus C-genotype strains. PLoS ONE, 14(7), e0220385. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220385. (ID: 24986)
del Toro Guerrero, F. J., Kretzschmar, T. G., & Bullock Runquist, S. H. (2019). Precipitation and topography modulate vegetation greenness in the mountains of Baja California, México. International Journal of Biometeorology. doi: 10.1007/s00484-019-01763-5. (ID: 24985)
Sánchez Pérez, E. D., & Millán Núñez, E. (2019). Ecological Zonation of Phytoplankton and Biomass Based on Bio-Optical Parameters off Baja California during Three Summer Seasons. Open Journal of Marine Science, 9, 121-136. doi: 10.42.36/ojms.2019.93010. (ID: 29083)
Villa Villa, F., Cortés Martínez, R., García Ortiz, C. E., bernardo reyes, r., & Coello Cárdenas, V. M. (2019). Scattering transmission field of a photonic crystal surface wave to determine the thickness distribution of thin films. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 36(9), 2526-2533. doi: 10.1364/JOSAB.36.002526. (ID: 25027)