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Barry, P. H., Negrete Aranda, R., Spelz Madero, R. M., Seltzer, A. M., Bekaert, D. V., Virrueta, C., & Kulongoski, J. T. (2020). Volatile sources, sinks and pathways: A helium¿carbon isotope study of Baja California fluids and gases. Chemical Geology, 550, 119722. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119722. (ID: 26871)
Kober, V., Ruchay, A., & Karnaukhov, V. (2020). Tracking multiple objects with locally adaptive generalized optimum correlation filters. JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS, 65(6), 716-724. doi: 10.1134/S1064226920060169. (ID: 26262)
López Ávila, L. F., Álvarez Borrego, J., & Solorza Calderón, S. (2020). Fractional Fourier-Radial Transform for Digital Image Recognition. Journal of Signal Processing Systems. doi: 10.1007/s11265-020-01543-0. (ID: 26078)
Castro, L., Cetina Heredia, P., Roughan, M., Dworjanyn, S., Thibaut, L., Chamberlain, M., Feng, M., & Verges, A. (2020). Combined modelling approach to predicting future distributions and changes in species interactions between a tropical sea-urchin and temperate kelp. Diversity and Distributions, 26(9), 1211-1226. doi: 10.1111/ddi.13073. (ID: 28679) (E)
Rosas Villegas, F., Candela Pérez, J., & Ochoa de la Torre, J. L. (2020). Eddy viscosity from bottom Ekman veering profiles. Continental Shelf Research, 204, 104170. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104170. (ID: 26466)
Rojas Sánchez, A., & Tentori Santa Cruz, D. (2020). Simple method for the characterization of birefringence of single-mode optical fibers. OSA Continuum, 3(8), 1650-1656. doi: 10.1364/OSAC.383249. (ID: 26590)
Inguaggiato, C., Pappaterra, S., Peiffer, L. M. J. C. J. G., Apollaro, C., Brusca, L., De Rosa, R., Rouwet, D., Caudron, C., & Suparjan, S. (2020). Mobility of REE from a hyperacid brine to secondary minerals precipitated in a volcanic hydrothermal system: Kawah Ijen crater lake (Java, Indonesia). Science of the Total Environment, 740(140133), 14. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140133. (ID: 26468)
Rodríguez Urrea, M. D., Beltrán Márquez, J., Cruz Sandoval, D., Valenzuela Beltran, M., & Favela Vara, J. (2020). Assisting older adults with medication reminders through an audio-based activity recognition system. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. doi: 10.1007/s00779-020-01420-4. (ID: 26065)
Sánchez Gallegos, D., Carrizales Espinosa, D., Reyes Anastasio, H. G., Gonzalez Compean, J. L., Carretero, J., Morales Sandoval, M., & Galaviz Mosqueda, G. A. (2020). From the edge to the cloud: A continuous delivery and preparation model for processing big IoT data. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. doi: 10.1016/j.simpat.2020.102136. (ID: 26064)
Juárez Pacheco, E., Panduro Mendoza, M. A., Reyna Maldonado, A., Covarrubias Rosales, D. H., Méndez Pérez, A. L., & Murillo, E. (2020). Design of Concentric Ring Antenna Arrays Based on Subarrays to Simplify the Feeding System. Symmetry, 12(6), 1-15. doi: 10.3390/sym12060970. (ID: 26071)
Gentemann , C., Scott , J. P., Mazzini , P. L., Pianca , C., Akella , S., Minnet , P. J., Cornillon , P., Fox-Kemper, B., Cetinic , I., Chin , T. M., Gómez Valdés, J., Vazquez Cuervo , J., Tsontos , V., Yu , L., Jenkins , R., De Halleux, S., Peacoch , D., & Cohen , N. (2020). Saildrone: Adaptively Sampling the Marine Environment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(6), E744-E762. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0015.1. (ID: 26077)
Vazquez Cuervo , J., Gómez Valdés, J., & Bouali , M. (2020). Comparison of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity Gradients Using the Saildrone California/Baja and North Atlantic Gulf Stream Deployments. Remote Sensing, 12(11), 12. doi: 10.3390/rs12111839. (ID: 26070)
Martin Vela, J. A., Gallegos Arellano, E., Sierra Hernandez, J. M., Estudillo Ayala, J. M., Jauregui Vazquez, D., Avila García, M. S., Ramirez Gasca, H., & Rojas Laguna, R. (2020). All Single-Mode-Fiber Supercontinuum Source Setup for Monitoring of Multiple Gases Applications. Sensors, 20(11), 3239. doi: 10.3390/s20113239. (ID: 29045)
Ramírez Mendoza, R., Murdoch, L., Jordan, L., Amoudry, L. O., Mclleland, S., Cooke, R. D., Thorne, P. D., Simmons, S. M., Parsons, D. R., & Vezza, M. (2020). Asymmetric effects of a modelled tidal turbine on the flow and seabed. Renewable Energy, 159, 238-249. doi: 10.1016/.jrenene.2020.05.133. (ID: 26245)
Simoes Reboita, M., Reale, M., P. da Rocha, R., Giorgi, F., Giuliani, G., Coppola, E., Luna Niño, R. B., Llopart, M., Torres-Alavez, J. A., & Cavazos Pérez, M. T. (2020). Future changes in the wintertime cyclonic activity over the CORDEX CORE southern hemisphere domains in a multi model approach. Climate Dynamics. doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05317-z. (ID: 26585)