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Cimino, M., Jacox, M., Bograd, S. J., Brodie, S., Carroll, G., Hazen, E. L., Lavaniegos Espejo, B. E., Morales, M., Satterthwaite, E., & Rykaczewski, R. (2021). Anomalous poleward advection facilitates episodic range expansions of pelagic red crabs in the eastern North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(8), 3176-3189. doi: 10.1002/lno.11870. (ID: 26963)
González Fernández, A. (2021). Application of the Stacked Refraction Convolution Section to 2D Ocean Bottom Seismometer Wide-angle Seismic Data Along the Tamayo Through Basin, Gulf of California. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9(1), 12. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.660970. (ID: 27030)
Alejo Plata, C., del Río Portilla, M. Á., Illescas Espinosa, O., & Valencia Méndez, O. (2021). Red Octopus, Octopus rubescens Berry, 1953 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae), in the Mexican tropical Pacific. Check List, 17(4), 1107-1112. doi: 10.15560/17.4.1107. (ID: 27002)
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Hernández Acosta, M. A., Torres Torres, C., Bornacelli, J., Garcia Merino, J. A., Can Uc, B., Rangel Rojo, R., & Oliver, A. (2021). A comprehensive study of the nonlinear optical response exhibited by ion-implanted silica plates with Au and Pt nanostructures. Results in Optics. doi: 10.1016/ (ID: 26914)
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Sandoval Galarza, J. A., Kelly Martínez, R. J., & Santibañez Davila, V. A. (2021). A speed regulator for a force-driven cart-pole system. International Journal of Systems Science. doi: 10.1080/00207721.2021.1958950. (ID: 28229)
Lugo Fabres, P. H., Otero Sastre, L., Bernáldez Sarabia, J., Camacho Villegas, T. A., Sánchez Campos, L. N., Serrano Bello, J., Medina, L., Muñiz Hernández, S., de la Cruz, L., Arenas, I., Barajas Martinez, A., García, D. E., Nuñez Garcia, L., Gonzalez Canudas, J., & Licea Navarro, A. F. (2021). Potential Therapeutic Applications of Synthetic Conotoxin s-cal14.2b, Derived from Californiconus californicus, for Treating Type 2 Diabetes. Biomedicines, 9(8), 936. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9080936. (ID: 26995)
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Avalos Murillo, L., González Alcalde, A. K., Tchaikina Kolesnikova, E., García Guerrero, E. E., Maradudin, A. A., & Méndez Méndez, E. R. (2021). Excitation of plasmonic and photonic modes in metallic lamellar gratings. Optics Communications, 127324, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.optcom.2021.127324. (ID: 27220)
Ojanguren Affilastro, A. A., Kochalka, J., Guerrero Orellana, D., Garcete Barrett, B., de Roodt, A. R., Borges, A., & Ceccarelli, F. S. (2021). Redefinition of the identity and phylogenetic position of Tityus trivittatus Kraepelin 1898, and description of Tityus carrilloi n. sp. (Scorpiones; Buthidae), the most medically important scorpion of southern South America. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 23(1), 27-55. doi: 10.22179/REVMACN.23.714. (ID: 26987)
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