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Dirección de Estudios de Posgrado

Chávez González Edgar Leonel

Departamento:Ciencias de la Computación
División:Física Aplicada
Graduado en:Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C.

Marchand-Maillet, S., & Chávez González, E. L. (2024). HubHSP graph: Capturing local geometrical and statistical data properties via spanning graphs. Information Systems, 121. doi: 10.1016/j.is.2023.102341. (ID: 29630)
Quiroz Palominos, B. R., martinez, b., Camarena Ibarrola, A., & Chávez González, E. L. (2023). Design of a brief perceptual loss function with Hadamard codes. Multimedia Tools and Applications. doi: 10.1007/s11042-023-18023-9. (ID: 29629)
Aguilera Mendoza, L., Ayala Ruano, S., Martinez Rios, F., Chávez González, E. L., García Jacas, C. R., Brizuela Rodríguez, C. A., & Marrero Ponce, Y. (2023). StarPep Toolbox: an open-source software to assist chemical space analysis of bioactive peptides and their functions using complex networks. BIOINFORMATICS. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btad506. (ID: 28884)
Monarca Pintle, G. I., Cibrian Robles, F. L., Chávez González, E. L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2022). Using a small dataset to classify strength-interactions with an elastic display: a case study for the screening of autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. doi: 10.1007/s13042-022-01554-2. (ID: 28411)
Talamantes Alvarez, A., & Chávez González, E. L. (2022). Instance-based learning using the half-space proximal graph. Pattern Recognition Letters, 156, 88-95. doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2022.01.025. (ID: 28313)
mirabal, p., Abreu, J., Seco, D., Pedreira, O., & Chávez González, E. L. (2021). Boosting perturbation-based iterative algorithms to compute the median string. IEEE Access. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3137767. (ID: 27174)
Vadicamo, L., Gennaro, C., Falchi, F., Chávez González, E. L., Connor C.H., R., & amato, G. (2021). Re-ranking via local embeddings: A use case with permutation-based indexing and the nSimplex projection. Information Systems, 95(101506). doi: 10.1016/j.is.2020.101506. (ID: 26176)
Hoyos Ibarra, A. J., Ruiz Lopez, U., & Chávez González, E. L. (2021). Hadamard's Defense Against Adversarial Examples. IEEE Access, 9, 118324-118333. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3106855. (ID: 27028)
Vadicamo, L., Connor C.H., R., & Chávez González, E. L. (2021). Query filtering using two-dimensional local embeddings. Information Systems, 101. doi: 10.1016/j.is.2021.101808. (ID: 26961)
Téllez Avila, E. S., Ruiz Velazques, L. G., Chávez González, E. L., & Graff, M. (2021). A scalable solution to the nearest neighbor search problem through local-search methods on neighbor graphs. PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. doi: 10.1007/s10044-020-00946-w. (ID: 26830)
Aguilera Mendoza, L., Marrero Ponce, Y., García Jacas, C. R., Chávez González, E. L., Beltrán Verdugo, J. A., Guillén Ramírez, H. A., & Brizuela Rodríguez, C. A. (2020). Automatic construction of molecular similarity networks for visual graph mining in chemical space of bioactive peptides: an unsupervised learning approach. Scientific Reports, 10, 18074. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75029-1. (ID: 26306)
Ruiz Velazques, L. G., Chávez González, E. L., Ruiz Lopez, U., & Téllez Avila, E. S. (2019). Extreme pivots: a pivot selection strategy for faster metric search. KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS. doi: 10.1007/s10115-019-01423-5. (ID: 25133)
Hoyos Ibarra, A. J., Ruiz Lopez, U., Chávez González, E. L., & Téllez Avila, E. S. (2019). Self indexed motion planning. Information Systems. doi: 10.1016/j.is.2019.04.011. (ID: 24916)
Luque Suárez, F., Camarena Ibarrola, A., & Chávez González, E. L. (2019). Efficient speaker identification using spectral entropy. Multimedia Tools and Applications. doi: 10.1007/s11042-018-7035-9. (ID: 24162)
Beltrán Márquez, J., Navarro Hernández, R. F., Chávez González, E. L., Favela Vara, J., Soto Mendoza, V., & Ibarra Enríquez, C. (2018). Recognition of audible disruptive behavior from people with dementia. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. doi: 10.1007/s00779-018-01188-8. (ID: 24108)
Aguilar, G., Bravo Peña, L. C., Ruiz Lopez, U., Murrieta-Cid, R., & Chávez González, E. L. (2018). A Distributed Algorithm for Exploration of Unknown Environments with Multiple Robots. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. doi: 10.1007/s10846-018-0939-9. (ID: 24383)
Ramírez Chacón, M., Hidalgo Silva, H. H., & Chávez González, E. L. (2018). Indexing and searching point clouds. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS, 34(5), 3349-3358. doi: 10.3233/JIFS-169516. (ID: 24106)
Alvarez Lozano, J., García Macías, J. A., & Chávez González, E. L. (2018). User Location Forecasting Based on Collective Preferences. In Sanchez M., Aguilar L., Castañón-Puga M., Rodríguez-Díaz A. (Eds.), Computer Science and Engineering¿Theory and Applications (pp. 23). Springer. (ID: 26570)
Molina Molina, E. O., Díaz Escobar, J., Chávez González, E. L., & Hidalgo Silva, H. H. (2017). Algoritmos de Binarización Robusta de Imágenes con Iluminación No Uniforme. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial. doi: 10.4995/riai.2017.8847. (ID: 23367)
Chávez González, E. L., Camarena Ibarrola, A., & Luque Suárez, F. (2017, Noviembre). Speaker Identification through Spectral Entropy Analysis. ROPEC 2017. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, México (ID: 22949)
Chávez González, E. L., Ruiz Lopez, U., Aguilar, G., Murrieta-Cid, R., & Bravo Cortés, L. M. (2017, Septiembre). A distributed exploration algorithm for unknown environments with multiple obstacles by multiple robots. IROS 2017. Vancouver, Canadá (ID: 22947)
García Macías, J. A., Soto Mendoza, V., Chávez González, E. L., Quintana Contreras, E., & Gómez Montalvo, J. R. (2017). Detecting abnormal behaviours of institutionalized older adults through a hybrid-inference approach. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 40, 708-723. doi: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2017.06.019. (ID: 22966)
Hernández Elías, E. A., Alonso Arévalo, M. Á., Chávez González, E. L., Covarrubias Rosales, D. H., & Conte Galván, R. (2017). Robust polygon recognition method with similarity invariants applied to star identification. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 59(4), 1095-1111. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.11.016. (ID: 21503)
Chávez González, E. L., Chavez Caliz, A. C., & Lopez Lopez, J. L. (2016). Affine invariants of generalized polygons and matching under affine transformations. COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 58, 60-69. doi: 10.1016/j.comgeo.2016.06.003. (ID: 21381)
Téllez Avila, E. S., Ruiz Velazques, L. G., & Chávez González, E. L. (2016). Singleton indexes for nearest neighbor search. Information Systems, 60, 50-68. doi: 10.1016/j.is.2016.03.003. (ID: 21379)
Chávez González, E. L., Ludueña, V., Reyes, N., & Roggero, P. (2016). Faster proximity searching with the distal SAT. Information Systems, 59, 15-47. doi: 10.1016/j.is.2015.10.014. (ID: 21380)
Castro Quiroa, L. A., Beltrán Márquez, J., Favela Vara, J., Chávez González, E. L., Pérez Gamboa, M., Rodríguez, M., Navarro Hernández, R. F., & Quintana Contreras, E. (2016). Collaborative opportunistic sensing of human behavior with mobile phones. In Mary Mehrnoosh Eshaghian-Wilner (Eds.), Wireless Computing in Medicine: From Nano to Cloud with Ethical and Legal Implications (pp. 107-135). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ID: 21066)
Beltrán Márquez, J., Chávez González, E. L., & Favela Vara, J. (2015). Scalable identification of mixed environmental sounds, recorded from heterogeneous sources. Pattern Recognition Letters, 68(1), 153-160. doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2015.08.027. (ID: 19442)
Corral Corral, R., Chávez González, E. L., & Del Río, G. (2015). Machine Learnable Fold Space Representation based on Residue Cluster Classes. COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY, 59(A), 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2015.07.010. (ID: 20139)
García Villanueva, M., Chávez González, E. L., & Romero Muñoz, L. (2015, Noviembre). Using ¿2 as a Feature Selection Method to Improve the Performance of a Contextual Entropy Classifier. IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, México (ID: 20371)
Chávez González, E. L., Ruiz Lopez, U., & Téllez Avila, E. S. (2015, Octubre). CDA: Succinct Spaghetti. 8th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications. Glasgow, Reino Unido (ID: 20338)
Ruiz Velazquez, L. G., Chávez González, E. L., Téllez Avila, E. S., & Graff, M. (2015, Octubre). Finding Near Neighbors Through Local Search. 8th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications. Glasgow, Reino Unido (ID: 20337)
Soto Mendoza, V., Beltrán Márquez, J., Chávez González, E. L., Hernández, J., & García Macías, J. A. (2015, Septiembre). Abnormal Behavioral Patterns Detection from Activity Records of Institutionalized Older Adults. 6th International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding. Osaka, Japón (ID: 20339)
Soto Mendoza, V., García Macías, J. A., Chávez González, E. L., Martínez García, A. I., Favela Vara, J., Serrano Alvarado, P., & Zúñiga Rojas, M. R. (2015). Design of a Predictive Scheduling System to Improve Assisted Living Services for Elders. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 6(4), 31. doi: 10.1145/2736700. (ID: 19502)
Pineda Briseño, A., Menchaca Méndez, R., Chávez González, E. L., Guzmán, G., Menchaca Méndez, R., Quintero, R., Torres Cisneros, M., Moreno, M., & Díaz de León, J. L. (2015). A Probabilistic Approach to Location Estimation in MANETs. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 28(1-2), 97-114. (ID: 20141)
Chávez González, E. L., García Villanueva, M., & Favela Vara, J. (2015). Fast and Accurate Language Detection in Short Texts using Contextual Entropy. Research in Computing Science, 90, 351-358. (ID: 21377)
Alvarez Lozano, J., García Macías, J. A., & Chávez González, E. L. (2015). Crowd location forecasting at points of interest. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(4), 191-204. doi: 10.1504/IJAHUC.2015.069056. (ID: 17607)
Chávez González, E. L., Graff, M., Navarro Badino, G., & Téllez Avila, E. S. (2015). Near neighbor searching with K nearest references. Information Systems. doi: 10.1016/j.is.2015.02.001. (ID: 18946)
Beltrán Márquez, J., Navarro Hernández, R. F., Chávez González, E. L., Favela Vara, J., Soto Mendoza, V., & Ibarra Enríquez, C. (2014, Diciembre). Detecting Disruptive Vocalizations for Ambient Assisted Interventions for Dementia. IWAAL 2014. (ID: 18933)
Chávez González, E. L., Téllez Avila, E. S., & Ortiz Béjar, J. (2014, Noviembre). Scalable proximity indexing with the list of clusters. ROPEC 2014. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, México (ID: 23425)
Santoyo, F., Chávez González, E. L., & Téllez Avila, E. S. (2014, Octubre). A Compressed Index for Hamming Distances. 7th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications. San José del Cabo, México (ID: 18945)
Chávez González, E. L., Ludueña, V., Reyes, N., & Roggero, P. (2014, Octubre). Faster Proximity Searching with the Distal SAT. 7th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications. San José del Cabo, México (ID: 18944)
Castro Quiroa, L. A., Favela Vara, J., Beltrán Márquez, J., Chávez González, E. L., Pérez Gamboa, M., Rodríguez, M., Quintana Contreras, E., & Navarro Hernández, R. F. (2014, Septiembre). Collaborative opportunistic sensing with mobile phones. 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Seattle, WA (ID: 18530)
Rincón Sarmiento, E., Beltrán Márquez, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Favela Vara, J., & Chávez González, E. L. (2013, Octubre). A context-aware baby monitor for the automatic selective archiving of the language of infants. Encuentro Nacional de Computación. Morelia, México (ID: 15810)
Téllez Avila, E. S., Chávez González, E. L., & Navarro Badino, G. (2013). Succinct Nearest Neighbor Search. Information Systems, 38(7), 1019-1030. doi: 10.1016/j.is.2012.06.005. (ID: 17719) (E)
Alvarez Lozano, J., García Macías, J. A., & Chávez González, E. L. (2013, Septiembre). Learning and user adaptation in location forecasting. 2013 ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Adjunct Publication. Zurich, Suiza (ID: 18735)
Alvarez Lozano, J., García Macías, J. A., & Chávez González, E. L. (2012, Septiembre). User location forecasting at points of interest. Personalization in Mobile Applications Workshop, at ACM Recommender Systems Conference 2012. Dublin, Irlanda (ID: 16485)
Beltrán Márquez, J., Chávez González, E. L., & Favela Vara, J. (2012, Junio). Environmental sound recognition by measuring significant changes in the spectral entropy. 4th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition. Huatulco, México (ID: 16368)
González Campos, R., Rico Melgoza, J., & Chávez González, E. L. (2012). A New Formulation of the Fast Fractional Fourier Transform. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 34(2), A1110-A1125. doi: 10.1137/100812677. (ID: 17718) (E)
Miranda, N., Piccoli, F., & Chávez González, E. L. (2011). Considering Pure GPU Model for an Audio Fingerprinting System. Mecanica Computacional, XXX(39), 3033-3044. http://www.cimec.org.ar/ojs/index.php/mc/article/view/3968/3885. (ID: 18183)
Camarena Ibarrola, A., & Chávez González, E. L. (2011). Online music tracking with global alignment. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2(3), 147-156. doi: 10.1007/s13042-011-0025-0. (ID: 17717) (E)
Miranda, N., Piccoli, F., Chávez González, E. L., & Camarena Ibarrola, A. (2010). Finding Audio Fingerprinter Using GPU. Mecanica Computacional, XXIX(31), 3127-3141. http://www.cimec.org.ar/ojs/index.php/mc/article/view/3222/3145. (ID: 18186)
Téllez Avila, E. S., Chávez González, E. L., & Camarena Ibarrola, A. (2009, Noviembre). A brief index for proximity searching. 14th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009. Guadalajara, México (ID: 13387)
Camarena Ibarrola, A., Chávez González, E. L., & Téllez Avila, E. S. (2009, Noviembre). Robust radio broadcast monitoring using a multi-band spectral entropy signature. 14th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009. Guadalajara, México (ID: 13313)
Chávez González, E. L., Fraser, M., & Tejeda, H. (2009, Septiembre). Proximal labeling for oblivious routing in wireless ad hoc networks. 8th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless. Murcia*, España (ID: 13386)
Figueroa, K., Chávez González, E. L., Navarro Badino, G., & Paredes, R. (2009). Speeding up Spatial Approximation Search in Metric Spaces. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 14, 21. doi: 10.1145/1498698.1564506. (ID: 13385)
Chávez González, E. L., Figueroa, K., & Navarro Badino, G. (2008). Effective proximity retrieval by ordering permutations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30(9), 1647-1658. (ID: 13989) (E)
Navarro Badino, G., Paredes, R., & Chávez González, E. L. (2007). t-Spanners for metric space searching. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 63(3), 820-854. (ID: 13721) (E)
García Villanueva, M., Hidalgo Silva, H. H., & Chávez González, E. L. (2006, Octubre). Contextual entropy and text categorization. Fourth Latin American WEB Congress LA-WEB 06. Cholula, México (ID: 8623)
Chávez González, E. L., Dobrev, S., Kranakis, E., Opatrny, J., Stacho, L., & Urrutia Fucugauchi, J. (2006). Route discovery with constant memory in oriented planar geometric networks. Networks, 48(1), 7-15. (ID: 13992) (E)
Navarro Badino, G., & Chávez González, E. L. (2006). A metric index for approximate string matching. Theoretical Computer Science, 352(1-3), 266-279. (ID: 13720) (E)
Chávez González, E. L., & Navarro Badino, G. (2005). A compact space decomposition for effective metric indexing. Pattern Recognition Letters, 26(9), 1363-1376. (ID: 13991) (E)
Chávez González, E. L., Dobrev, S., Kranakis, E., Opatrny, J., & Stacho, L. (2004). Traversal of quasi-planar subdivision without using mark bits. Journal of Interconnection Networks, 5(4), 395-407. (ID: 13990) (E)
Favela Vara, J., Menasalvas, E., & Chávez González, E. L. (2004). In Jesus Favela, Ernestina Menasalvas, Edgar Chávez (Eds.), Advances in Web Intelligence (1st ed.). Springer-Verlag. (ID: 8254)
Chávez González, E. L., Favela Vara, J., Mejía, M., & Oliart, A. (2003). In Edgar Chávez, Jesús Favela, Marcelo Mejía, Alberto Oliart (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science. IEEE. (ID: 7586)

Líneas de Investigación e Incidencia Social

Algoritmos y Biocomputación

Algoritmos y ciencia de datos


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