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Dirección de Estudios de Posgrado

Tentori Espinosa Mónica Elizabeth

Departamento:Ciencias de la Computación
División:Física Aplicada
Graduado en:Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada

rode a, j., Castro Quiroa, L. A., Viswanath, V., Valdez Gastélum, M. C., Mashhadi, A., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Van Laerhoven , K., & Weibel, N. (2025). Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UbiComp/ISWC: Best Practices for Accessible and Equitable Computing Conferences. Communications of the ACM. doi: doi.org/10.1145/3689820. (ID: 30528)
Morales Tellez, A., lopez hurtado, i., Cibrian Robles, F. L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2024). EtherealBreathing: A Holographic Biofeedback Game to Support Relaxation in Autistic Children. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 10. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2024.3461748. (ID: 30490)
Monarca Pintle, G. I., Cibrian Robles, F. L., hurtado lopez, i., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2024). Smartphone Haptics Can Uncover Differences in Touch Interactions Between ASD and Neurotypicals. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive Mobile Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies-IMWUT. https://doi.org/10.1145/36997. (ID: 30182)
Cruz Sandoval, D., Favela Vara, J., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2024). A Framework to Design Engaging Interactions in Socially Assistive Robots to Mitigate Dementia-related Symptoms. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION. doi: 10.1145/3700889. (ID: 30021)
Bonilla López, K. G. M., Calderón Aguilera, L. E., Ruiz Castro, R. I., Cabral Tena, R. A., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2024, Abril). Estimación de resiliencia en dos comunidades coralinas en el Pacífico Mexicano. XII Congreso Mexicano de Arrecifes Coralinos y II Congreso Panamericano de Arrecifes Coralinos. Ensenada, México (ID: 30117)
Valdez Gastelum, M. C., Alvarez Molina, K., Castro Quiroa, L. A., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2023). Zens: Designing and Evaluating a Movement Sonification Interface to Alter Body and Flexibility Perception in Yoga. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, 178. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103084. (ID: 28708)
Morales Tellez, A., Castro Quiroa, L. A., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2023). Developing and evaluating a Virtual Reality Game using Biofeedback for Stress Management in Sports. INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS, 35(2), 407-420. doi: 10.1093/iwc/iwad025. (ID: 28543)
Monarca Pintle, G. I., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Cibrian Robles, F. L. (2022). Understanding the musical interaction of children with autism spectrum disorder using elastic display. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. doi: 10.1007/s00779-022-01703-y. (ID: 28413)
Monarca Pintle, G. I., Cibrian Robles, F. L., Chávez González, E. L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2022). Using a small dataset to classify strength-interactions with an elastic display: a case study for the screening of autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. doi: 10.1007/s13042-022-01554-2. (ID: 28411)
Morales Tellez, A., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Castro Quiroa, L. A. (2021). Biofeedback for Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) regulation. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. https://doi.org/10.47756/aihc.y6i1.106. (ID: 30223)
Cornejo García, R., Martinez Morales, F., Alvarez C, V., Barraza, C., Cibrian Robles, F. L., Martínez García, A. I., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2021). Serious games for basic learning mechanisms: reinforcing Mexican children¿s gross motor skills and attention. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 25, 375-390. doi: 10.1007/s00779-021-01529-0. (ID: 26951)
Morales Tellez, A., Cibrian Robles, F. L., Castro Quiroa, L. A., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2021). An adaptive model to support biofeedback in AmI environments: a case study in breathing training for autism. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. doi: 10.1007/s00779-020-01512-1. (ID: 26952)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Ziviani, A., Muchaluat-Saade C, D., & Favela Vara, J. (2020). Digital Healthcare in Latin America: The Case of Brazil and Mexico. Communications of the ACM, 72-77. doi: 10.1145/3423923. (ID: 26758)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., Ortega Román, D. H., Ley Flores, J. G., Rodríguez Aguilar, H. F., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2020). Interactions of children and young adults using large-scale elastic displays. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. doi: 10.47756/aihc.y5i1.67. (ID: 26756)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., madrigal, m., Alvelais, M., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2020). Supporting coordination of children with ASD using neurological music therapy: A pilot randomized control trial comparing an elastic touch-display with tambourines. Research in Developmental Disabilities. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103741. (ID: 26161)
Ramos Salvio, A. G., García Macías, J. A., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2020). Crowdsensing for Characterizing Mobility and Its Impact on the Subjective Wellbeing in an Underdeveloped Region. Applied Sciences, 10(19), 15. doi: 10.3390/app10196686. (ID: 26569)
Peña Ramírez, O., Cibrian Robles, F. L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2020). Circus in Motion: a multimodal exergame supporting vestibular therapy for children with autism. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces. doi: 10.1007/s12193-020-00345-9. (ID: 26129)
Mercado Chan, J. C., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2020). A BCI video game using neurofeedback improves the attention of children with autism. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces. doi: 10.1007/s12193-020-00339-7. (ID: 26094)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., Ley Flores, J. G., newbold, j., Singh, A., Bianchi-Berthouze, N., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2020). Interactive sonification to assist children with autism during motor therapeutic interventions. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. doi: 10.1007/s00779-020-01479-z. (ID: 26275)
Mercado Chan, J. C., Espinosa Curiel, I. E., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2018). Developing and evaluating a BCI video game for neurofeedback training: the case of autism. Multimedia Tools and Applications. doi: 10.1007/s11042-018-6916-2. (ID: 24049)
Monarca Pintle, G. I., Morales Tellez, A., Cibrian Robles, F. L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2018). PaU: Diseño de un exergame en una superficie elástica para niños con autismo severo. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. doi: 10.47756/aihc.y3i1.39. (ID: 26757)
Vázquez Medina, E. V., Cibrian Robles, F. L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2018). StretchyStars: a multi-touch elastic display to support cooperative play among preschoolers. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. doi: 10.1007/s00779-018-1179-5. (ID: 23916)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., Peña Ramírez, O., Ortega Román, D. H., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2017). BendableSound: An elastic multisensory surface using touch-based interactions to assist children with severe autism during music therapy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.05.003. (ID: 22746)
Caro Corrales, K., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Martínez García, A. I., & Alvelais, M. (2017). Using the FroggyBobby exergame to support eye-body coordination development of children with severe autism. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, 105, 12-27. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.03.005. (ID: 22436)
Vázquez Medina, E. V., Cárdenas Pérez, L. C., Cibrian Robles, F. L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2016, Septiembre). Designing a musical fabric-based surface to encourage children with autism to practice motor movements. MexIHC. Colima, México (ID: 22111)
Mercado Chan, J. C., Rodríguez Aguilar, H. F., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2016, Septiembre). FarmerKeeper: Diseño de un juego serio para proporcionar terapias de neuroretroalimentación en apoyo a los problemas de atención de los niños con autismo. MexIHC. Colima, México (ID: 22110)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., Weibel, N., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2016, Septiembre). Collective Use of a Fabric-based Interactive Surface to Support Early Development in Toddler Classrooms. Ubicomp. Heidelberg, Alemania (ID: 22109)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Hernández Flores, C. R., Matic, A., & Hayes, G. R. (2016). Pervasive displays in classrooms of children with severe autism. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 15(3), 48-57. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2016.49. (ID: 20964)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Mercado Chan, J. C., Cibrian Robles, F. L., & Escobedo Bravo, L. O. (2016). Pervasive Computing to support individuals with cognitive disabilities. In Mary Mehrnoosh Eshaghian-Wilner (Eds.), Wireless Computing in Medicine: From Nano to Cloud with Ethical and Legal Implications (pp. 137-185). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (ID: 19514)
Boyd, L. A., Rangel González, A., Tomimbang, H., Toledo-Conejo, A., Patel, K., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Hayes, G. R. (2016, Mayo). SayWAT: Augmenting Face-to-Face Conversations for Adults with Autism. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. San Jose, CA (ID: 22108)
Balestrini, M., Marshall, P., Cornejo García, R., Bird, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Rogers, Y. (2016, Febrero). JokeBox: Coordinating Shared Encounters in Public Spaces. CSCW. San Jose, CA (ID: 19513)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Martínez García, A. I. (2016). Hunting Relics: a persuasive exergame to promote collective exercise in young children. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 32(3), 277-294. doi: 10.1080/10447318.2016.1136180. (ID: 19706)
Ylizaliturri Salcedo, M. A., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & García Macías, J. A. (2015, Diciembre). Detecting Aggressive Driving Behavior with Participatory Sensing. 9th International Conference, UCAmI 2015. Puerto Varas, Chile (ID: 19516)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., Ortega Román, D. H., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2015, Diciembre). Reflections from a long-term deployment study to design novel interactive surfaces for children with autism. First International Conference, AmIHEALTH 2015. Puerto Varas, Chile (ID: 19515)
Ortega Román, D. H., Cibrian Robles, F. L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2015, Octubre). BendableSound: A Fabric-based Interactive Surface to Promote Free Play in Children with Autism. 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Lisboa, Portugal (ID: 20236)
Martínez García, A. I., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Rodríguez, M. (2015). Aplicaciones interactivas para la salud. In Jaime Muñoz Arteaga, Juan Manuel González Calleron, Alfredo Sánchez Huitrón (Eds.), La interacción humano-computadora en México (1 ed., pp. 347). Pearson. (ID: 18318)
Caro Corrales, K., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Martínez García, A. I., & Zavala Ibarra, I. (2015). FroggyBobby: An exergame to support children with motor problems practicing motor coordination exercises during therapeutic interventions. Computers in Human Behavior. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2015.05.055. (ID: 19705)
Cornejo García, R., Hernández Morales, D. E., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2015). Casual gaming to encourage active ageing. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 13(6), 1940-1950. doi: 10.1109/TLA.2015.7164221. (ID: 19511)
Cornejo García, R., Weibel, N., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2015, Mayo). Promoting active aging with a paper-based SNS application. 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. Istanbul, Turquía (ID: 20359)
Favela Vara, J., Kaye, J., Skubic, M., Rantz, M., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2015). Living Labs for Pervasive Healthcare Research. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 14(2), 86-89. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2015.37. (ID: 20333)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., & Balderas, G. (2015). A Smart Environment for Children with Autism. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 14(2), 42-50. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2015.22. (ID: 19512)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Martínez García, A. I. (2014, Noviembre). Fomentando el ejercicio en niños de preescolar con videojuegos colaborativos basados en movimiento en pisos interactivos. Encuentro Nacional de Ciencias de la Computación 2014. Ocuilan, México (ID: 18379)
Caro Corrales, K., Martínez García, A. I., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2014, Noviembre). Apoyando las terapias de coordinación motriz de niños con autismo a través de videojuegos serios basados en movimiento. Encuentro Nacional de Ciencias de la Computación 2014. Ocuilan, México (ID: 18375)
Caro Corrales, K., Martínez García, A. I., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Zavala Ibarra, I. (2014, Octubre). Designing exergames combining the use of fine and gross motor exercises to support self-care activities. 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Rochester, NY (ID: 18328)
Fuentes, C., Hernández Flores, C. R., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Herskovic, V., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2014). Promoting Self-Reflection of Social Isolation Through Persuasive Mobile Technologies: The Case of Mother Caregivers of Children With Cancer. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(10), 802-814. doi: 10.1080/10447318.2014.927279. (ID: 17777)
Cibrian Robles, F. L., Martínez García, A. I., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2014, Septiembre). Hunting Relics: A Collaborative Exergame on an Interactive Floor for Children. 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Seattle, WA (ID: 17961)
Ringland, K. E., Zalapa Cardiel, C. R., Neal, M., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Hayes, G. R. (2014, Septiembre). SensoryPaint: A Multimodal Sensory Intervention for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Seattle, WA (ID: 17958)
Matic, A., Hayes, G. R., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Abdullah, M., & Schuck, S. (2014, Septiembre). Collective use of a Situated Display to Encourage Positive Behaviors in Children with Behavioral Challenges. 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Seattle, WA (ID: 17959)
Cornejo García, R., Hernández Morales, D. E., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2014, Septiembre). An Ambient Casual Game to Promote Socialization and Active Ageing. 20th International Conference on Collaboration and Technology. Santiago, Chile (ID: 18536)
Muñoz, D., Cornejo García, R., Gutiérrez, F., Favela Vara, J., Ochoa, S. F., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2014). A social cloud-based tool to deal with time and media mismatch of intergenerational family communication. Future Generation Computer Systems. doi: 10.1016/j.future.2014.07.003. (ID: 17637)
Ringland, K. E., Zalapa Cardiel, C. R., Neal, M., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Hayes, G. R. (2014, Mayo). SensoryPaint: An Interactive Surface Supporting Sensory Integration in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research. Atlanta, GA (ID: 17962)
Maimone, R., Zavala Ibarra, I., Quintana Contreras, E., Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Mayora, O. (2014). iFlit: an ambient display to induce cognitive dissonance and behaviour change. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, 1(3). doi: 10.4108/amsys.1.3.e2. (ID: 17641)
Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Quintana Contreras, E., Favela Vara, J., & García Rosas, J. D. (2014). Using augmented reality to help children with autism stay focused. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 13(1), 38-46. doi: 10.1109/MPRV.2014.19. (ID: 15862)
Zalapa Cardiel, C. R., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2013, Diciembre). Movement-based and tangible interactions to offer body awareness to children with autism. 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Playa Brasilito, Costa Rica (ID: 15809)
Hernández Cruz, N., Hernández Flores, C. R., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Favela Vara, J., & Ochoa, S. F. (2013, Diciembre). Mobile and context-aware grocery shopping to promote active aging. 5th International Work-Conference on Ambient Assisted Living. Playa Brasilito, Costa Rica (ID: 15807)
Fuentes, C., Herskovic, V., Heysen, J., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2013, Diciembre). Towards a technology for caregivers' emotional expression and self-reflection. 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Playa Brasilito, Costa Rica (ID: 15808)
Muñoz, D., Cornejo García, R., Ochoa, S. F., Favela Vara, J., Gutiérrez, F., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2013, Noviembre). Aligning intergenerational communication patterns and rhythms in the age of social media. Chilenan Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Temuco, Chile (ID: 15590)
Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Ibarra Enríquez, C., Hernández, J., Alvelais, M., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2013). Smart objects to support the discrimination training of children with autism. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. doi: 10.1007/s00779-013-0750-3. (ID: 15591)
Caro Corrales, K., Cibrian Robles, F. L., Martínez García, A. I., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., & Ramírez Fernández, C. (2013, Octubre). Diseño de un videojuego serio basado en movimiento para niños con el transtorno del desarrollo de la coordinación. Taller de Computación Clínica e Informática Médica: Mexican International Conference on Computer Science. Morelia, México (ID: 17259)
Rincón Sarmiento, E., Beltrán Márquez, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Favela Vara, J., & Chávez González, E. L. (2013, Octubre). A context-aware baby monitor for the automatic selective archiving of the language of infants. Encuentro Nacional de Computación. Morelia, México (ID: 15810)
Caro Corrales, K., Cibrian Robles, F. L., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Ramírez Fernández, C., Martínez García, A. I., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2013, Septiembre). Froggy Bobby: an exergame for children with motor skills problems. Workshop on Ubiquitous Games and Gamification for Promoting Behaviour Change and Wellbeing. Bodo, Italia (ID: 17257)
Favela Vara, J., Cornejo García, R., Velázquez Montalvo, A. R., Martínez García, A. I., Castro Quiroa, L. A., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2013). Nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación en apoyo al envejecimiento activo y saludable. In Carmen García Peña, Sergio Sánchez García, Teresa Juárez Cedillo, Víctor Granados García (Eds.), Envejecimiento Saludable y Productivo (1 ed., pp. 24). Editorial Alfil. (ID: 17261)
Cornejo García, R., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2013). Enriching in-person encounters through social media: A study on family connectedness for the elderly. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 71(9), 889-899. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2013.04.001. (ID: 15293)
Quintana Contreras, E., Ibarra Enríquez, C., Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2012, Septiembre). Object and gesture recognition to assist children with autism during the discrimination training. 17th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition. Buenos Aires, Argentina (ID: 16371)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Hayes, G. R., & Reddy, M. (2012). Pervasive computing for hospital, chronic, and preventive care. Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 5(1), 1-95. doi: 10.1561/1100000024. (ID: 15793)
Cornejo García, R., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2012). Ambient awareness to strengthen the family social network of older adults. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 1-36. doi: 10.1007/s10606-012-9166-2. (ID: 15788)
Cornejo García, R., Hernández Morales, D. E., Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Ochoa, S. F. (2012, Mayo). Persuading older adults to socialize and exercise through ambient games. 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. San Diego, CA (ID: 16375)
Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Nguyen, D. H., Boyd, L. A., Hirano, S., Rangel López, A., García Rosas, D., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Hayes, G. R. (2012, Mayo). MOSOCO: a mobile assistive tool to support children with autism practicing social skills in real-life situations. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Austin, TX (ID: 15795)
Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Nguyen, D. H., Boyd, L. A., Hirano, S., Rangel López, A., García Rosas, D., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Hayes, G. R. (2012, Mayo). A mobile assistive tool to support children with autism practicing social skills in real-life situations. 2012 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Austin, TX (ID: 14802) (E)
Rangel López, C. M., Rangel López, A., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2011, Diciembre). Self-configurable activities in activity-aware computing: the case of autism. 5th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Mérida, México (ID: 14803) (E)
Cramer, M., Hirano, S., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Yeganyan, M., & Hayes, G. R. (2011, Mayo). Classroom-based assistive technology: collective use of interactive visual schedules by students with autism. 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Vancouver, Canadá (ID: 14804) (E)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Rodríguez Urrea, M. D., & Favela Vara, J. (2011). An agent-based middleware for the design of activity-aware applications. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26(3), 15-23. (ID: 14847)
Liu, L., Hirano, S., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Cheng, K., George, S., Park, S. Y., & Hayes, G. R. (2011, Marzo). Improving communication and social support for caregivers of high-risk infants through mobile technologies. 2011 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Hangzhou, China (ID: 16442) (E)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Hayes, G. R. (2010, Septiembre). Designing for interaction immediacy to enhance social skills of children with autism. 12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. Copenhage, Dinamarca (ID: 16443) (E)
Cornejo García, R., Favela Vara, J., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2010, Septiembre). Ambient displays for integrating older adults into social networking sites. 16th International Conference on Collaboration and Technology (CRIWG 2010). Maastricht, Países Bajos (ID: 12007)
Damián Reyes, P., Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Contreras Castillo, J. J. (2010, Septiembre). Interactive reliability: Managing uncertainty in context-aware computing through user intervention. 4th International Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAMI 2010). Valencia*, España (ID: 14062)
García Vázquez, J. P., Rodríguez Urrea, M. D., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Saldaña Gutiérrez, D., Andrade Reátiga, A. G., & Espinoza González, A. (2010). An agent-based architecture for developing activity-aware systems for assisting elderly. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 16(12), 1500-1520. doi: 10.3217/jucs-016-12-1500. (ID: 15542)
Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Gonzalez y Gonzalez, V. M. (2010). Ecological validity and pervasiveness in the evaluation of ubiquitous computing technologies for health care. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 26(5), 414-444. doi: 10.1080/10447311003719896. (ID: 13476)
Martínez Pérez, F. E., González Fraga, J. A., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2010, Marzo). Artifacts' roaming beats recognition for estimating care activities in a nursing home. 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. München, Alemania (ID: 16444) (E)
Meza Kubo, M. V., González Fraga, J. A., Moran y Solares, L., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2009, Noviembre). Augmenting cognitive stimulation activities in a nursing home through pervasive computing. 2009 Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Mérida, México (ID: 14739) (E)
Fernández Escobosa, R. G., Favela Vara, J., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2009, Noviembre). SeniorWatch: A video browsing system to monitor elders with dementia in anursing home. 4th Latin-American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC 2009). Mérida, México (ID: 12452)
Gasca Figueroa, E., Favela Vara, J., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2009). Assisting support groups of patients with chronic diseases through persuasive computing. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 15(16), 3081-3100. (ID: 13076)
Favela Vara, J., González, V. M., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2009, Abril). The evaluation grid: Challenges in the evaluation of ubihealth technologies. ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CHI'09). Boston, MA (ID: 10258)
Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Segura Saldaña, D. D., & Berzunza Richard, G. A. (2009). Adaptive awareness of hospital patient information through multiple sentient displays. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 1(1), 27-38. (ID: 12453)
Segura Saldaña, D. D., Favela Vara, J., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2008, Octubre). Sentient displays in support of hospital work. 3rd. Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAMI 2008). Salamanca, España (ID: 10459)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Gonzalez y Gonzalez, V. M., & Favela Vara, J. (2008, Octubre). Assisting the study of indoor mobility: issues, methods and tools. 9th Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC 2008). Mexicali, México (ID: 11197)
Gasca Figueroa, E., Favela Vara, J., & Tentori Espinosa, M. E. (2008, Septiembre). Pervasive virtual communities to promote a healthy lifestyle among patients with chronic diseases. 14th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2008). Omaha, NE (ID: 10214)
Sánchez Cortés, D., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2008). Activity recognition for the smat hospital. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23(2), 50-57. (ID: 10597)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2008, Enero). Monitoring behavioral patterns in hospitals through activity-aware computing. 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2008). Tampere, Finlandia (ID: 7957)
Mejía Medina, D. A., Morán y Solares, A. L., Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Markarian, A., & Castro Quiroa, L. A. (2008). On the move collaborative environments: Augmenting face to face informal collaboration in hospitals. e-Service Journal, 6(1), 97-123. (ID: 10599)
Sánchez Cortés, D., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2007, Septiembre). Hidden Markov models for activity recognition in ambient intelligence environments. 8th Mexican International Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science. Morelia, México (ID: 11711)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2007, Septiembre). Activity-aware computing in mobile collaborative working environments. 13th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2007). Bariloche, Argentina (ID: 11710)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Favela Vara, J. (2007, Septiembre). Augmenting ambient intelligence environments through activity-aware computing. 2nd International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI'07). Zaragoza, España (ID: 11712)
Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Castro Quiroa, L. A., Gonzalez y Gonzalez, V. M., Morán Solares, E. B., & Martínez García, A. I. (2007). Activity recognition for contex-aware hospital zpplications: Issues and opportunities for the deployment of pervasive networks. Mobile Networks and Applications, 12(2-3), 155-171. (ID: 10621)
Morán Solares, E. B., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., González, V. M., Favela Vara, J., & Martínez García, A. I. (2007). Mobility in hospital work: towards a pervasive computing hospital environment. International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, 3(1), 72-89. (ID: 7477)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Favela Vara, J., & Rodríguez Urrea, M. D. (2006). Privacy-aware autonomous agents for pervasive healthcare. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21(6), 55-62. (ID: 11529)
Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Castro Quiroa, L. A., Gonzalez y Gonzalez, V. M., Morán Solares, E. B., & Martínez García, A. I. (2006, Noviembre). Estimating hospital work activities in context-aware healthcare applications. 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. Innsbruck, Austria (ID: 12026)
Markarian, A., Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Castro Quiroa, L. A. (2006, Septiembre). Seamless interaction among heterogeneous devices in support for co-located collaboration. 12th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2006). Valladolid, España (ID: 8478)
Favela Vara, J., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Markarian, A., Castro Quiroa, L. A., & Amaya Patrón, I. A. (2006, Agosto). Integrating heterogeneous devices in support of local mobility. Twelfth Americas Conference on Information Systems. Acapulco, México (ID: 9635)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Favela Vara, J., & Gonzalez y Gonzalez, V. M. (2006). Quality of Privacy (QoP) for the design of ubiquitous healthcare applications. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 12(3), 252-269. (ID: 7406)
Favela Vara, J., Martínez García, A. I., González, V. M., Mora Altamirano, J., Rojas Vergara, S., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., & Morán Solares, E. B. (2005, Noviembre). Estudio de movilidad del personal de un hospital para informar el desarrollo de aplicaciones de cómputo móvil. XIV Foro Nacional de Investigación en Salud. Mérida, México (ID: 8906)
González, V. M., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Morán Solares, E. B., Favela Vara, J., & Martínez García, A. I. (2005, Octubre). Understanding mobile work in a distributed information space: implications for the design of ubicomp technology. Conferencia Latinoamericana de Interacción Humano-Computadora (CLIHC'2005). Cuernavaca, México (ID: 7854)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Favela Vara, J., González, V. M., & Rodríguez Urrea, M. D. (2005, Septiembre). Supporting quality of privacy (QoP) for pervasive computing. Sixth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science. Puebla, México (ID: 7851)
Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Favela Vara, J., & González, V. M. (2005, Septiembre). Designing for privacy in pervasive hospital environments. I Simposio sobre Computación Ubicua e Inteligencia Ambiental (UCAml'2005). Granada, España (ID: 7731)
Escobedo Bravo, L. O., Tentori Espinosa, M. E., Martínez García, A. I., Galicia Jiménez, L., & García Macías, J. A. (2004, Septiembre). SAPeR: un sistema para la administración de pacientes en rehabilitación. Taller de Computación Clínica e Informática Médica. Quinto Encuentro Internacional en la Ciencia de la Computación. Colima, México (ID: 7425)

Líneas de Investigación e Incidencia Social

Sistemas inteligentes interactivos y distribuidos

Sistemas Interactivos y Distribuidos

CERES, Creating an EdTech Research Ecosystem - RESPONSABLE
Métodos Mixtos para el Análisis de Datos en Contextos de Dimensiones Variables - RESPONSABLE
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